• Behavior Plan

        Discipline Policy All learning opportunities for young children should be positive and helpful in teaching acceptable behavior and self-control. Children will be encouraged to follow rules that they have helped to develop. Teachers and staff follow the Child Day Care Regulation (#R 9-5-510) which requires: 1. Explaining rules to children and alternatives to unacceptable behavior. 2. No physical punishment. No emotional or mental stress which would prove frightening to a child. 3. Isolation (time-out) with supervision not to exceed three (3) minutes. 4. No punishment will be associated with toilet training. 5. Food cannot be withheld as a means of punishment. Children are more successful when disciplinary methods are consistent at home and at school. All disciplinary practices will be handled with regard to the developmental age of the child. Six steps will be taken for effective guidance. We recommend the strategies. 1. Approach calmly. Your body language says a lot about your intentions and feelings. Stay neutral in order to respect all points of view in a conflict. 2. Acknowledge feelings. Make simple statements such as “I can see you’re feeling sad/angry/upset.” This helps the child let go of feelings and prepares him/her to think clearly about solutions. 3. Gather information. Listen to all points of view, both for your own information and so children can learn what others believe they need. The details revealed about a conflict are very important in finding a solution. Listen carefully. 4. Restate the problem. Use as much of the children’s language as possible and rephrase child language that may be hurtful. 5. Ask for ideas, possible solutions, and choose one together. Respect the child’s ideas, even if some are unrealistic. Explore how they might work. 6. Be prepared to give follow-up support, and acknowledge efforts and future successes.