• Progress over perfection- I am not expecting perfection, but I am expecting you to show up the best you can and give your best. I also know our best looks different on any given day. Don't give up on yourself or others.

    Give yourself and others grace- We all make mistakes, it is what you do with them that matters. Be compassionate with your words and actions.

    Grit- Grit is sticking with your future day in and day out even when it stretches us outside of our comfort zones. Find your personal why and work hard for it. Don't compromise what you want most for what you want in the moment. Are you persevering?

    Integrity- Integrity is who are when nobody else is watching. Make healthy, smart, positive choices for you.

    Growth Mindset- We are all works in progress! Embrace learning about who you are through your experiences, novels and learning this year!

    Self Reflection-Grow in your self awareness...what are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? How did I show up well? Where do I want to push myself to do better? Seek to understand yourself, others, your reactions, and how you learn.

    Take accountability-I can't always control what happens to me, what my friends do, what assignment the teacher has for me, but I can control how I approach things. Stay in your lane!

    * Follow directions the first time

    * Respect others, their property, and their right and opportunity to learn

    * Use appropriate language

    * Follow BCHS Pride and Cell phone expectations

    * Be on time and prepared for class

    * Be an active learner

    * Show and give respect

    Be You! - I can't wait to get to know you this year!

    I am passionate about creating learners for life, being authentic, and putting relationships first with students. Where students feel they belong, can be them, are valued and seen, that is where growth can really happen! I believe we are all rough drafts of the people we are becoming.